Collaborative Divorce
Collaborative divorce in Virginia is a team effort
An exciting field of family law is Collaborative Divorce. In a public trial, and in traditional divorce negotiations, the focus is on highlighting the disputes between the parties. But in the Collaborative Process, the focus is on finding mutually agreeable solutions that address the needs of the entire family. A divorcing couple can work with a team of professionals who advise them on the legal requirements as well as financial impacts, developing a healthy co-parenting relationship, and other critical issues with complete candor and cooperation. Dividing joint assets and determining the best interests of children in a divorce are among the complex matters where trained professionals such as accountants, parenting coordinators and mental health professionals can help parties reach a thorough, equitable solution.
At Mullett Dove & Bradley Family Law, PLLC, we have the training and experience necessary to help our clients participate effectively in a Collaborative Divorce. Contact us today to learn more about Collaborative Divorce.
Schedule a Consultation
We provide confidential consultations with an experienced divorce attorney who will review your current situation, discuss your personal objectives and goals, answer your questions, and provide an explanation of family and divorce law as it relates to your specific circumstances. Our firm places great importance on providing quality legal service, beginning with this first consultation appointment. Consultation appointments can be made by contacting our office at 703.522.8100, emailing us or by submitting the form below.
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