Pre-Divorce Planning
Start the pre-divorce planning process before it’s too late.
Getting a divorce in Virginia is not a simple matter. There are requirements that need to be fulfilled and important considerations regarding the future rights of each spouse to marital assets, spousal support, and child custody and support. Before a divorce suit is filed, identifying assets, collecting evidence, and establishing a plan are among the steps that people should consider, whether jointly with their spouse in an amicable divorce, or separately and confidentially when there is high conflict.
These many issues require divorce planning to make sure that the divorce is finalized in a manner that is fair and comprehensive. The experienced family law attorneys at Mullett Dove & Bradley Family Law, PLLC help our clients identify important issues and define an appropriate strategy to assure that they receive an outcome that meets their needs. If you are considering a divorce in Northern Virginia, contact us today for a pre-divorce planning consultation.
Schedule a Consultation
We provide confidential consultations with an experienced divorce attorney who will review your current situation, discuss your personal objectives and goals, answer your questions, and provide an explanation of family and divorce law as it relates to your specific circumstances. Our firm places great importance on providing quality legal service, beginning with this first consultation appointment. Consultation appointments can be made by contacting our office at 703.522.8100, emailing us or by submitting the form below.
The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.
From the Blog
When Can a Custody Agreement Be Modified Due to Relocation?
Relocation can be a challenging issue for parents who share custody of a child. Whether a parent is moving for a new job, family support, or personal reasons, any relocation that affects the existing custody arrangement must be carefully considered.
How to Help Your Child Adjust to a New Custody Arrangement
Child custody arrangements can be a difficult transition for children to manage, especially when they are adjusting to a new way of life. When parents decide to separate or divorce, it often leads to changes in where children will live